That is part of the beauty of Bitcoin – it works in harmony. Many thousands of computers around the world who use the same software and the same set of rules come to the same conclusion about the legitimacy of a particular task. If one computer attempts to push illegal activity, all the other thousands of computers simply reject it, and no recording is performed.
Some of these rules are as follows:
The transaction must have a valid input equal to the output value. For example, if I want to send 4 BTC at a cost of 0.0001, the address (s) I am sending must have received at least 4.0001 BTC in the past. Bitcoin software looks at the blockchain to clarify this.
Input should not be used elsewhere. Bitcoin software also looks at the blockchain to determine this.
The price of the block should (currently) be 25 BTC, and it will be halved every 210,000 blocks. Each block must provide a reward for the block.
The first two rules prohibit double-spending, which is just a digital fraud case. If Alice has only 10 bitcoins and sends 10 bitcoins to Bob, she will later be able to send 10 bitcoins to Charlie, as the entire Bitcoin network will simply refuse to trade with Charlie, noting that -Alice has already sent 10 bitcoins to Bob.
The last rule prevents more bitcoins from being created than is already agreed upon by the network. Satoshi Nakamoto drafted the law to start his early use of Bitcoin software, and ultimately, he limits the creation of Bitcoin to a total of 21 million, which is distributed for over 130 years. If a miner creates a block that rewards 26 bitcoins instead of 25, the entire Bitcoin network will simply reject his block and instead accept the next new block following the rules in its place.
All of this shows that Bitcoin cannot be counterfeit. That being said, there are still ways in which people can trick a person or company into thinking they have acquired bitcoins when they have not really.
One such tactic was misappropriated “betting” on an online gambling service called Satoshi Dice, as listed here. Note that only services that offer instant results (such as a download service or certain types of online gambling) with 0 guarantees can be unlocked for this type of fraud or abuse.
Another tactic, although quite complex and difficult to pull off, would be to eliminate the external vendor’s access to the Bitcoin network, and then stream the transaction only to the merchant. The seller will see that you have been paid, but the transaction will only be broadcast to the Bitcoin network and be recorded permanently after the seller’s access to the network is restored. In the meantime, the thief can simply send the bitcoins to a different address he has to retrieve the coins before the merchant’s access to the network is restored, and the coins will never reach the merchant. Ultimately, though, if a person has the necessary skills to disable a merchant’s internet connection without knowing it, he or she will likely find simple ways to steal money.
The point is, that Bitcoin cannot be counterfeit, and any related tactics that can be made are very limited in the scope and skills required to achieve it. For more info click the website here SINGAPORE DIGITAL EXCHANGE PTE LTD.